My Youtube Channel



This Youtube Channel serves as a creative outlet for me. It’s been an absolute blast to do over the years. I mostly focus on film (and often Horror) but really anything in the pop culture lexicon is up for grabs. I tend to try and just focus on what interests me. I’ve also, as of late, wanted to focus on more positive things, rather than the negative that can be so prevalent on Youtube. Just to prove that I could, I released a video every Friday during the year 2019 and it was very rewarding. However, with the channel not being monetized, that was a pace I couldn’t keep up with, so videos tend to be a lot more sporadic. I’m hoping to collaborate with others in the future, and always have my little corner of Youtube where I can create and interact with like-minded individuals. I hope you join me.


Shearching Shudder

A video series where I recommend Horror Films on the streaming service “Shudder.” It’s proven to be rather popular and I really enjoy editing these videos, as I think is evidenced by the frenetic editing.

First Times with James Bond

I’ve never seen the James Bond series. I know, I know, shame on me. Well this all changes in this video series and I rectify that by watching the entire franchise, giving my first impressions of the series. This series is currently ongoing.

Freddy vs Jason vs Production Hell

I really wanted to tell the story of how “Freddy vs Jason” came to be, through all its trials and tribulations. I’m a fan of both franchises and, after over 15 hours of research for the project, I knew I could provide some information that no one was aware of. I’m quite proud of this video and hope to do others like it in the future.