I write. A lot.


Joblo.com Movie Reviews

In addition to the many scripts I write for my video on the JoBlo Movie Network, I also write film critiques on their site. I’ve been reviewing films professionally since May 2022.

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The Crimson Summer

After an entire life of writing, I finally was able to release my first book, “The Crimson Summer” in the Summer of 2016. I wanted to pay homage to films I loved like “Friday the 13th” and “The Burning” by providing for a genre of novel that is in severely short supply: The Slasher. The sequel, “Crimson High” is expected to release in the Fall of 2020.


Writing in any form.

I’ve maintained a “blog-style” site for over fourteen years, diving into different aspects of pop culture in a (hopefully) entertaining way. I get around 1200 unique visits a month at this point, and couldn’t be prouder of the fun tone I’ve set for the website.